Pleading Objection To Conservatorship {SUPPR-1070} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Local County   Santa Cruz   Probate 
Pleading Objection To Conservatorship {SUPPR-1070} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 2/16/2023

Pleading Objection To Conservatorship {SUPPR-1070}

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SUPPR 1070 - OBJECTION TO CONSERVATORSHIP. This form is used to file an objection to a proposed conservatorship in Santa Cruz County, California. It allows an interested party, such as a family member, to formally express their disagreement with the appointment of a specific individual as the conservator of a person who is to be conserved. The objecting party must state their relationship to the person to be conserved and provide reasons for their objection. Additionally, the form includes a proof of service section to confirm that all relevant parties have been notified of the objection. Form Adopted for OPTIONAL USE.

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