Notice That Child Was Returned To The Care Of Childs Parent {CHP-901} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Minnesota

 Minnesota   Statewide   District Court   Child Protection 
Notice That Child Was Returned To The Care Of Childs Parent {CHP-901} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Minnesota

Last updated: 7/12/2023

Notice That Child Was Returned To The Care Of Childs Parent {CHP-901}

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CHP901 State ENG Rev 4/19 Page 1 of 1 State of Minnesota District Court County Judicial District: Court File Number: Case Type: Juvenile In the Matter of the Welfare of the Child(ren) of: Notice that Child Was Returned to the Care of the Child222s Parent or Legal Custodian or Notice of Change of Foster Care Placement Setting/ Location Parent Legal Custodian Parent Legal Custodian To: Court Administrator, Parties, and Attorneys (Name) (Street Address) (City, State, Zip code) RETURN HOME: You are hereby notified that on (date), as authorized in the court order dated , the child(ren) named was/were returned to the home of (name of mother, father, legal custodian), who is the child(ren)222s (mother, father, legal custodian), whose address is (street address, city, state). OR CHANGE IN FOSTER CARE PLACEMENT SETTING/LOCATION: You are hereby notified that on (date), the child(ren) named was/were moved to the following foster care placement setting/location: (name of foster home or facility) located at (street address, city, state). Notice Required: Rule 30.12 of the Rules of Juvenile Protection Procedure requires that, if the parent or legal custodian complies with the conditions of the court order and the child is returned home, including under protective supervision or trial home visit, the county attorney shall immediately file with the court and serve upon all parties a notice stating the date the child was returned home. Notice should also be provided if the child is moved from one foster care location to another foster care location. Notice of the child222s return home is intended to ensure that the judge and parties are aware of the parent222s progress and compliance with court orders. Notice of the child222s return home or to another foster care location is also intended to ensure that client contact by attorneys and guardians ad litem may continue. Notice of the child222s return home or to another foster care location is also intended to inform the court administrator of the child222s location so that written notice of future hearings may be served upon the child and foster parent as required under Rule 32.04. Dated: Name American LegalNet, Inc.

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