Public Records Request | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Oregon

 Oregon   Local County   Tillamook   Circuit Court   Probate 
Public Records Request | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Oregon

Last updated: 11/30/2023

Public Records Request

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Form J IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF In the Matter of the Guardianship of: ) Case Number: ) ) REQUEST FOR NOTICE ) Minor Child(ren)/Respondent ) I, , request to be provided with copies of all future filings in this proceeding and to receive notice of any hearing scheduled in this case. I have mailed a copy of this request to the petitioner in this proceeding. I have submitted the applicable fee to the Court unless I am the protected Minor or the respondent in this case. If a Visitor is appointed in this case and prepares a report, this is also a request for copies ofthat report. Note: A minor child (over 14 years of age) or a respondent is entitled to notice of any hearing and to be served with pay the required filing fee. Respectfully submitted by: Signature of Interested Person Print Name Contact Address City/State/Zip Code Contact Telephone E-mailReturn this form with the appropriate fee to: COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT , OR 97 Confirm current filing fee by calling the Probate Department, (503) . Page 1 of 1 - Request for Notice - County ( 201) American LegalNet, Inc.

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