Last updated: 6/15/2023
Decree Of Divorce (Without Children)
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1 2 Code:____________________ Wifes name:________________________ 3 Address:___________________________ __________________________________ 4 Telephone:_________________________ 5 Husbands name:______________________ 6 Address:_____________________________ 7 ____________________________________ Telephone:___________________________ 8 In Proper Person 9 IN THE ________________ JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA 10 11 IN AND FOR ___________________________________ 12 In the Matter of the Marriage ) 13 ) Case No. ________________________ 14 Of ) ) Dept. No. ___________________ 15 ______________________________) (Wifes name) ) 16 and ) 17 ) ______________________________) 18 (Husbands name) ) Joint Petitioners ) 19 ______________________________) 20 DECREE OF DIVORCE 21 22 The above entitled cause, having been submitted to this Court for decision pursuant to 23 Chapter 125 of the Nevada Revised Statutes, and based upon the Joint Pet ition by the Petitioners, 24 __________________________________ and ________________________________ ______, 25 (Wifes name) (Husbands name) 26 and all of the papers and pleadings on file, the Court finds as follows: 27 1. That all of the allegations contained in the documents on file are true; 28 2. That all of the requirements of NRS 125.181 and NRS 125.182 have been met; <<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 1 3. That this Court has complete jurisdiction to enter this Decree and the orders 2 regarding the distribution of assets and debts. 3 4. That resident Petitioner _____________________________ has been, and is 4 now, (Husbands name or Wifes name) 5 6 an actual bona fide resident of the State of Nevada and has actually bee n domiciled in the State 7 of 8 Nevada for more than six (6) weeks immediately prior to the commencement of this action, and 9 intends to continue to make the State of Nevada ________ home for an indefinite period of time. (His or Her) 10 11 5. The Petitioners married on _________________________________________ in (Date of Marriage, including month, day and year) 12 County of _______________________________, State of ____________________ __________, 13 (County in which you were married) (State in which you were married) 14 and ever since that date have been, and still are, Husband and Wife. 15 6. That Petitioners have become, and continue to be, incompatible in marriage and 16 no 17 reconciliation is possible, and/or the parties have lived separate and a part for more than one year 18 without cohabiting as Husband and Wife and Petitioners are entitled to a Decree of Divorce. 19 7. That there are no minor children of the marriage, the parties have no adopted 20 21 minor children and wife is not pregnant at this time. 22 8. That the Petitioners have entered into an equitable agreement settling all issues 23 regarding the division and distribution of assets and debts, said agreement being an equitable one, 24 and Petitioners have requested that the terms in their Joint Petition, a copy of which is attached 25 hereto as Exhibit A, be ratified, confirmed, and incorporated into their Decree as though fully set 26 27 forth. 28 9. That the Petitioners have entered into an agreement settling the issue of spousal support and request that their agreement as set forth in their Joint Petition, a copy of which is <<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 1 attached hereto as Exhibit A, be ratified, confirmed and incorporated into their Decree as though 2 fully set forth. 3 4 (Initial only ONE space in statement 10 and print not applicable in the other spaces.) 5 10. _________ Wife does not wish to return to her former name. 6 7 _________ Wife wishes to return to her former name of ___________________________________________________. 8 _________ Wife never changed her name and, therefore, does not request 9 restoration of her former name. 10 11. That the parties waive their rights to a written Notice of Entry of Decree of Divorce, 11 to appeal, to Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and to move for a new trial. 12 THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED: 13 14 1. That the bonds of matrimony now existing between the Petitioners are dissolved and 15 an absolute Decree of Divorce is granted to the parties, and each of the parties is restored to the 16 status of an unmarried person. 17 2. That the terms, as they are stated in the Petitioners Joint Petition, regarding the 18 assets and debts, is hereby ratified, confirmed, and incorporated into this Decree as though fully set 19 forth. 20 21 3. That the terms, as they are stated in the Petitioners Joint Petition, regarding the issue 22 of spousal support are hereby ratified, confirmend incorporated into this Decree as though fully d, a 23 set forth. 24 (Initial only ONE space in statement 4. Print not applicable i n the other spaces.) 25 4. _____________ Wife is hereby restored to her former name of: 26 _______________________________________. 27 _____________ Wife never changed her name and, therefore, does not request 28 restoration of her former name. ____________ Wife shall retain her present name. <<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4 1 2 3 4 (IMPORTANT: The following paragraph, (paragraph 5) is applicable to all decrees issued in 5 6 the State of Nevada, but each County handles compliance with the requirements differently. 7 Be sure to follow the specific instructions for the County in which you are obtaining your decree.) 8 9 5. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that each party 10 shall submit the information required in NRS 125B.055, NRS 125.130 and NRS 125.230 on a 11 separate form to the Court and the Welfare Division of the Department of Human Resources within 12 ten days from the date this Decree is filed. Such information shall be maintained by the Clerk in a 13 14 confidential manner and not part of the public record. The parties shall update the information filed 15 with the Court and the Welfare Division of the Department of Human Resources within ten days 16 should any of that information become inaccurate. 17 THIS IS A FINAL DECREE. 18 19 Dated: ________________________________ 20 21 22 _____________________________________ DISTRICT JUDGE 23 24 Respectfully Submitted: 25 (Print name)__________________________ (Print name)___________________________ 26 (Signature)___________________________ (Signature)________________ ____________ 27 (Address) ____________________________ (Address)__________________ ___________ ___________________________________ ______________