Order For Pre Hearing Conference {JC-14-11-10} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nebraska

 Nebraska   Statewide   County Court-Separate Juvenile Court   Juvenile 
Order For Pre Hearing Conference {JC-14-11-10} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nebraska

Last updated: 10/18/2023

Order For Pre Hearing Conference {JC-14-11-10}

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JC14:11(10) New 05/09 Neb. Rev. Stat. 43-2473(a) ORDER FOR PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE CASE NUMBER: IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, NEBRASKA IN THE INTEREST OF ORDER FOR PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE CHILD/CHILDREN UNDER EIGHTEEN YEARS OF AGE On , a Petition was filed with the Court alleging that the children fall within the meaning of N.R.S. 43-247(3)(a). Protective Custody hearing is scheduled for: Hearing Date: Time: Court Room: A Pre-Hearing Conference (PHC) is being scheduled in this action. A PHC is an informal, facilitated meeting prior to the first appearance in court that is held to assist in the cooperation of the parties, to facilitate the flow of information and discussion and to develop a problem-solving atmosphere in the best interest of the children. The goals of the PHC are to move the parties from an adversarial to cooperative role, to focus on the future, safety and best interest of the children, to clarify placement and parenting time options, including possible relative/kinship placement or reunification, to determine the applicability of ICWA and to identify the family222s needs and resources. The facilitator for the PHC shall lead the facilitation as follows: Explain the purpose, process and goals of conference and complete Attendance Sheet Introduction Address the agenda and clarify areas of agreement/disagreement Monitor time limitations Record, or confirm recording of, any agreements regarding placement, visitation, services or other matters in the best interests ofthe childrenTHE COURT FINDS AND ORDERS: A Pre-Hearing Conference shall be held at in .The following individuals shall attend the Pre-Hearing Conference: Parents/guardians Attorneys Guardian ad Litem County Attorney DHHS initial assessment worker and on-going case worker FacilitatorOther: It should be determined whether other individuals should be invited toattend the Pre-Hearing Conference including, but notlimited to, age-appropriatechildren, extended family, family friends, DHHSsupervisor, CASA, serviceproviders or otheradvocates and foster parents. The parties shall advise thefacilitator as soon aspossible of any request for additional parties.The agenda of the Pre-Hearing Conference shall be as follows:Identify legal parentsDetermine if additional parties shall participate in the hearingDiscuss prior orders in effectApplication of Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)Placement of child American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com f.Discuss parenting time (i.e., visitation)g.Discuss services to be offered to familyh.Discuss information about the children: medical, educational, behavioral and other needsi.Other: 4.DHHS representatives must be prepared to address any issues contained in the agenda, including what services DHHS would offer tothe family given the reasons for removal, the placement of the child including relative placement and reunification with a safety plan, andparenting time provisions applicable to the child222s age and family222s situation. 5.Attorneys for the parents must speak to their clients prior to the Pre-Hearing Conference to inform them as to the purpose of thefacilitation and to give the attorney the knowledge necessary to represent the client during the facilitation. 6.The Pre-Hearing Conference is confidential and privileged as per N.R.S. 43-247.01. However, agreements from the Pre-HearingConference may be noted at the Protective Custody Hearing. 7.Other: 8.All prior orders not in conflict with this order remain in full force and effect. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED AS HEREIN ABOVE SET DATED: BY THE COURT: , JUDGE Notice: Placement of your child in foster care may result in the termination of your parental rights to your child. Time is of the essence. Federal law requires a Permanency Planning Hearing be held within 12 months or sooner after your child is removed from your home. This hearing will determine what the permanency goal for your child will be: reunification with you, or adoption or guardianship with another adult. The court will also decide whether or not further time will be allowed for you to complete rehabilitative services. In order for more time to be granted, a compelling reason must be shown. If more time is granted, then a Petition to terminate parental rights still may be filed if and when your child has been placed out of your home more than 15 months of the past 22 months. However, the County Attorney or Guardian ad Litem may file a petition to terminate your parental rights at any time it is appropriate to do so. REGARDING ALLEGATIONS OF ABUSE OR NEGLECT American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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