Request For Dismissal Satisfaction Of Judgment {SC-7008} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

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Request For Dismissal Satisfaction Of Judgment {SC-7008} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 5/29/2015

Request For Dismissal Satisfaction Of Judgment {SC-7008}

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Choose a location ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (NAME AND ADDRESS): TELEPHONE NO.: FOR COURT USE ONLY ATTORNEY FOR (NAME): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF: DEFENDANT: REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL/SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT Your small claims case is scheduled for hearing in this court as follows: TRIAL INFORMATION Date Day Time CASE NUMBER: Place If the claim is settled prior to the date set for trial, or if you decide you do not wish to proceed, complete the REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL and mail the completed form to the court listed above. If this case is settled after judgment, complete the SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT and file this form with the court. REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL TO THE CLERK OF THE ABOVE-NAMED COURT: You are requested to dismiss the above-entitled action as follows: WITH PREJUDICE (You cannot sue again on the same cause of action) WITHOUT PREJUDICE (You can sue again on the same cause of action) Date: ______________________ ___________________________________________________ Plaintiff's or Authorized Agent of Corporation's Signature ___________________________________________________ Defendant's or Authorized Agent of Corporation's Signature (Must sign ONLY if Defendant's Claim filed) SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT TO THE CLERK OF THE ABOVE-NAMED COURT: Payment having been made, you are hereby authorized and directed to enter, and I hereby acknowledge, full satisfaction of judgment in the above small claims action. Date: ______________________ __________________________________________________ Plaintiff's or Authorized Agent of Corporation's Signature REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT CCP 581, 581d CCP 724.060, 724.120 American LegalNet, Inc. SC-7008 [Rev. July 1, 1999]

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