Order Approving Final Loan Modificaiton Agreement {MMM Form 13B} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Arizona

 Arizona   Federal   Bankruptcy Court 
Order Approving Final Loan Modificaiton Agreement {MMM Form 13B} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Arizona

Last updated: 6/29/2023

Order Approving Final Loan Modificaiton Agreement {MMM Form 13B}

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MMM Form 13B (Chapter 13 only) - ORDER APPROVING FINAL LOAN MODIFICATION AGREEMENT. This form is issued in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case to formally approve a final loan modification agreement between the debtor and their mortgage lender. It confirms that the agreement, reached through the Mortgage Modification Mediation (MMM) Program, is legally binding and outlines key terms such as the new principal balance, interest rate, and payment amounts. The lender is responsible for drafting necessary documents, while the debtor must file an amended or modified Chapter 13 Plan within 28 days if required. Payments made to the Chapter 13 Trustee are considered timely, and the Trustee is authorized to disburse funds to the lender unless the case is dismissed, converted, or otherwise ordered by the court. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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