Last updated: 1/19/2024
Summons Residential Foreclosure
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SUMMONS RESIDENTIAL FORECLOSURE. This form is used in the Circuit Court for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit in St. Clair County, Illinois, in a Residential Foreclosure case. It is addressed to each defendant involved in the case. The summons informs the defendants that they are required to file an answer or appearance in the court within thirty (30) days after the service of the summons. Failure to do so may result in a judgment or decree by default. The form emphasizes that the defendants may still have the opportunity to save their home and advises them not to ignore the document. It also mentions that the case is set for Mandatory Mediation, where defendants will meet with the Mediation Administrator to discuss potential options and pre-screen for a potential mortgage modification. The defendants are instructed to read all documents attached to the summons and to file necessary documents, such as an Appearance and an Answer/Response, within the specified time. The importance of electronically filing (e-filing) is highlighted, along with information on how to obtain an exemption for filing in-person or by mail. The form provides contact information for assistance, including Illinois Court Help. www.FormsWorkflow.com