Attendance Acknowledgment Form For Appearance Settlement Conference (Mag. Judge Aaron) {SDNY AAASC-A} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

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Attendance Acknowledgment Form For Appearance Settlement Conference (Mag. Judge Aaron) {SDNY AAASC-A} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

Last updated: 6/28/2024

Attendance Acknowledgment Form For Appearance Settlement Conference (Mag. Judge Aaron) {SDNY AAASC-A}

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ATTENDANCE ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM FOR APPEARANCE AT SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE BEFORE MAGISTRATE JUDGE STEWART D. AARON. The Settlement Conference Procedures for Magistrate Judge Stewart D. Aaron provide guidelines for conducting settlement conferences. These procedures include the following key points: Conferences are held in Judge Aaron’s courtroom and are confidential. Judge Aaron acts as a mediator to help parties reach a settlement. Parties must submit a pre-settlement letter and attendance certification 7 days before the conference. All parties, not just their attorneys, must attend the conference in person, unless permission is granted to participate by phone. Corporations, labor unions, insurers, and government agencies must send representatives with full settlement authority. Failure to comply with attendance requirements may result in sanctions. The scheduling of a settlement conference does not affect any other deadlines in the case. For FLSA settlements, an explanation from counsel is required. The Attendance Acknowledgment Form is used for attorneys to confirm their and their client's attendance at a settlement conference before Magistrate Judge Stewart D. Aaron. It requires the attorney to specify the case name, docket number, their role (plaintiff, defendant, or other), the date and time of the conference, names of any co-counsel, and the names and titles of client representatives with full settlement authority. The attorney must also confirm whether any participants will join by phone and acknowledge having read the court’s order and settlement conference procedures.

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