Petition To Determine Parentage-Custody-Visitation-Set Child Support | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

 Illinois   Local County   Kendall   Child Support 
Petition To Determine Parentage-Custody-Visitation-Set Child Support | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 1/18/2024

Petition To Determine Parentage-Custody-Visitation-Set Child Support

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PETITION TO DETERMINE PARENTAGE AND/OR CUSTODY/VISITATION AND SET CHILD SUPPORT. This form is used in the Circuit Court of the Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit, Kendall County, Illinois. The petitioner, in accordance with the Illinois Parentage Act of 1984, provides information regarding the minor child(ren) born out of wedlock. The petitioner seeks the determination of parentage, custody/visitation arrangements, and the establishment of child support. The form includes details about the parents, marital status, and the petitioner's belief in being the natural father. The petitioner requests specific court orders related to child support, custody arrangements, visitation, and other relief as deemed just by the court. The form also includes a verification by certification under penalties of perjury.

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