Idaho Quarterly Certificate Of Escrow Funding Compliance | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Idaho

 Idaho   Statewide   Office Of Attorney General   Consumer Protection Division 
Idaho Quarterly Certificate Of Escrow Funding Compliance | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Idaho

Last updated: 5/22/2024

Idaho Quarterly Certificate Of Escrow Funding Compliance

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IDAHO QUARTERLY CERTIFICATION OF ESCROW FUNDING COMPLIANCE FOR 2024 SALES. Any Non-Participating Manufacturer whose Cigarettes are sold in the State of Idaho, whether directly or through any distributor, retailer, or similar intermediary, must execute and deliver an Idaho Quarterly Certification of Escrow Funding Compliance (Idaho Escrow Certification) to the Office of the Attorney General. Non-Participating Manufacturers that must submit an Idaho Quarterly Certification of Escrow Funding Compliance (Idaho Quarterly Escrow Certification) on a quarterly basis to the Attorney General are Non-Participating Manufacturers who: have not previously established and funded a Qualified Escrow Fund in Idaho; have not made any escrow deposits for more than one year; have failed to make a timely and complete escrow deposit for any prior calendar year; have failed to pay any judgment, including any civil penalty; or have sold more than 1,600,000 of their Cigarettes during a quarter. Additionally, the Attorney General may require quarterly escrow deposits from a Non-Participating Manufacturer if the Attorney General has reasonable cause to believe the Non-Participating Manufacturer may not make its full required escrow deposit by April 15th of the year following the year in which the Cigarette sales were made.

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