Emergency Family Court Cover Sheet | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Pennsylvania

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Emergency Family Court Cover Sheet | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Pennsylvania

Last updated: 7/31/2024

Emergency Family Court Cover Sheet

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EMERGENCY FAMILY COURT COVER SHEET. Every Emergency Petition is sent directly to the Judge assigned to the case, by the Court Administrator’s Office, after service has been made. THE JUDGE WILL DECIDE WHETHER THIS IS AN EMERGENCY OR WHETHER THE MATTER WILL BE HEARD IN DUE COURSE. If the Judge deems the matter is an emergency, a conference, hearing or argument will be scheduled. To expedite this process, please complete all requested information, including telephone numbers of all parties named in the captions or their attorney’s names and phone numbers. SERVICE: The party initiating the Emergency Petition must (1) serve the other side with a TIME STAMPED copy before the petition will go to the Judge, (2) fax a copy of the Certificate of Service to: Family Court, Court Administration, (610) 292-2027, and (3) mail the original Certificate of Service to the Prothonotary. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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