Order Appointing Court Approved Reporter As Official Reporter Pro Tempore {LACIV237} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

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Order Appointing Court Approved Reporter As Official Reporter Pro Tempore {LACIV237} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 5/9/2024

Order Appointing Court Approved Reporter As Official Reporter Pro Tempore {LACIV237}

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LASC CIV 237 - ORDER APPOINTING COURT APPROVED REPORTER AS OFFICIAL REPORTER PRO TEMPORE. This form is used in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles for legal proceedings where a court reporter is needed to transcribe the proceedings accurately. By signing this agreement, and accepting this appointment as an official Court Reporter Pro Tempore in this matter, the reporter confirms and agrees: (1) to maintain a valid, current California Certified Shorthand Reporter License and maintain current contact information with the Court as directed by the Court’s Director of Courtroom Support; (2) that appearance fees, including real time fees, are the responsibility of the party or parties who arranged the reporter services, and may not be charged to the Court; (3) to comply with statutes and rules applicable to official Court Reporter Pro Tempore, including the duty to timely prepare transcripts in the proper appellate form; (4) to upload/publish requested copy/copies of appellate transcripts to the Civil Appeals Unit if requested; (5) to archive reporting notes of court proceedings in the Archival Court Reporter Notes (ACORN) electronic storage system as the designated repository established by the Court; (6) to follow directions from the Court, and to be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court to the same extent as an official reporter; (7) to be available to read the notes back to the jury if serving during a jury trial. For Mandatory Use, Cal. Rules of Court, rule 2.956 Gov. Code, §§ 68086 & 70044. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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