Designation Of Transcripts {CRCCP 5} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Colorado

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Designation Of Transcripts {CRCCP 5} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Colorado

Last updated: 12/19/2024

Designation Of Transcripts {CRCCP 5}

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CRCCP FORM 5 - DESIGNATION OF TRANSCRIPTS. This form is used in the context of an appeal in a court case. It is submitted by the appellant (the party filing the appeal) to specify which transcripts from the trial or hearings should be included in the Record on Appeal. The form lists the type of event (e.g., motions hearing, trial day), the date, start time, and the court reporter's name (if available). The appellant is required to submit a separate Transcript Request Form to the District Court and acknowledges their responsibility to pay for each transcript listed. The form also certifies that a copy has been mailed to the opposing party or attorney.

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