Outside Party ICON Access Request Form {IC-PW} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   Workers Comp   Industrial Commission 
Outside Party ICON Access Request Form {IC-PW} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 2/3/2025

Outside Party ICON Access Request Form {IC-PW}

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IC-PW - OUTSIDE PARTY I.C.O.N. ACCESS REQUEST FORM. This form is used to request access to the Industrial Commission Online Network (I.C.O.N.), which provides claim-related information. By submitting this form, an outside party—such as a law firm, employer, insurer, or representative—can obtain a password-protected account to access claim records. The designated contact person is responsible for managing and distributing the login credentials within their organization. The form requires information such as the representative ID or policy/risk number, company details, contact information, and a signed letterhead confirmation. Once approved, the password can be sent via email or U.S. mail. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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