Petition To Invalidate Annul Marriage {205} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Washington

 Washington   Statewide   Domestic Relations   Divorce 
Petition To Invalidate Annul Marriage {205} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Washington

Last updated: 12/18/2024

Petition To Invalidate Annul Marriage {205}

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FL Divorce 205 - PETITION TO INVALIDATE (ANNUL) MARRIAGE (PTIN). This form is used in Washington State courts. It allows a petitioner to request the annulment of a marriage based on various legal grounds, such as incapacity to consent, coercion, or close family relations that prohibit marriage. The form includes sections for providing personal details about the spouses, the marriage, and the grounds for annulment. It also asks about divorce or legal separation requests, name changes, property division, spousal support, and child-related issues, such as custody, support, and parenting plans. The form can also include requests for protection or restraining orders, and it addresses matters like debts, real and personal property division, and any other agreements between the parties. It also covers potential issues related to children, including custody, child support, and claims for tax exemptions. RCW 26.09.020 Mandatory Form.

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