Application For Military Disabled Veteran License Plates And Parking Placards {VTR-615} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Texas

 Texas   Statewide   Department Of Motor Vehicles 
Application For Military Disabled Veteran License Plates And Parking Placards {VTR-615} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Texas

Last updated: 1/3/2025

Application For Military Disabled Veteran License Plates And Parking Placards {VTR-615}

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VTR-615 - APPLICATION FOR DISABLED VETERAN LICENSE PLATES AND/OR PARKING PLACARDS. Submit the completed application and payment in the form of a personal check, money order, or cashier’s check with proof of eligibility to your local county tax assessor-collector’s office. Do not mail cash. One vehicle is eligible for a $3 Disabled Veteran (DV) license plate. Additional vehicles may display a DV license plate; however, registration and local fees will apply. License plates may be personalized for an additional $40 fee; make your choice on page 5. The personalization fee will not be refunded once the application is submitted. If you order by mail, please contact your county tax assessor-collector’s office in three weeks to verify your plates are ready or if you have any questions. DV International Symbol of Access (ISA) License Plate: • An original prescription is acceptable proof if not providing a written statement or completing the Disability Statement below. • DV license plates displaying the ISA may be issued to persons with a permanent disability who meet the eligibility requirements below (limit two sets of plates). Persons with Disabilities Parking Placard: Submit the completed application with proof of eligibility to your local county tax assessor-collector’s office or the county tax assessor-collector’s office where you are seeking medical treatment. • A parking placard may be issued to Disabled Veterans with a permanent disability who meet the eligibility requirements and who are issued DV ISA license plates. There is no fee for a placard issued to a person with a permanent disability. • Limit two (2) placards for Disabled Veterans with no DV ISA license plates. Limit two (2) placards for Disabled Veterans with two sets of DV ISA license plates. IMPORTANT: To obtain Disabled parking placards, the signature of a licensed medical professional must be notarized on page 3 if an original prescription is not submitted. Otherwise, an original prescription must include the name of the person with the disability, the signature of the licensed medical professional (as defined on page 3), and a statement if the disability is permanent.

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