Request For Official Certificate Or Apostille Adoption Proceedings {2103} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Texas

 Texas   Secretary Of State   General Business 
Request For Official Certificate Or Apostille Adoption Proceedings {2103} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Texas

Last updated: 1/7/2025

Request For Official Certificate Or Apostille Adoption Proceedings {2103}

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Form 2103 - ADOPTION PROCEEDINGS-REQUEST FOR OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE OR APOSTILLE. This form is used to request an official certificate or apostille for documents related to adoption proceedings for one or more children. It is submitted to the Texas Secretary of State's Authentications Unit. The request can include certified records or notarized documents that need to be authenticated for use in adoption proceedings. The form requires details such as the requesting family's name, the number of children being adopted, the consulate or embassy where the document will be presented, and payment information. The fee is $10 per certificate or apostille, with a maximum of $100 per child. The form also includes instructions for payment, document submission, and return of authenticated documents.

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