Supplemental Agreement To Attorney Client Agreement For LMM Program {3} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | North Carolina

 North Carolina   Federal   USBC Eastern 
Supplemental Agreement To Attorney Client Agreement For LMM Program {3} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | North Carolina

Last updated: 1/10/2025

Supplemental Agreement To Attorney Client Agreement For LMM Program {3}

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SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO ATTORNEY-CLIENT AGREEMENT FOR CHAPTER 13 BANKRUPTCY SERVICES AND LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR PARTICIPATION IN BANKRUPTCY COURT LOAN MODIFICATION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. This form is used to establish an agreement between a client and a law firm for representation in seeking a mortgage loan modification through the Bankruptcy Court’s Loan Modification Management (LMM) program within a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. It outlines the scope of the law firm’s services, which include reviewing loan documents, advising the client on options, submitting required documentation, attending court hearings and mediation, negotiating with the mortgage servicer, and implementing any approved loan modification. The agreement specifies the fees and costs for these services, including attorney fees and costs for portal and mediation fees, which are non-refundable and must be paid for each mortgage modification attempt. It explains the client’s responsibilities, such as providing documentation promptly, maintaining required insurance, attending mediation, and ensuring participation of all property owners and parties on the promissory note. It also clarifies that there is no guaranteed right to a loan modification and that the outcome of the LMM program is uncertain. The form emphasizes that all terms of the original retainer agreement remain in effect and includes a section for the client and attorney to sign, confirming understanding and acceptance of the agreement.

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