Organizational Securities Permit Checklist For Underwritten Title Company {CDI-055} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

 California   Statewide   Department Of Insurance 
Organizational Securities Permit Checklist For Underwritten Title Company {CDI-055} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 1/17/2025

Organizational Securities Permit Checklist For Underwritten Title Company {CDI-055}

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CDI-055 - ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITIES PERMIT CHECKLIST FOR UNDERWRITTEN TITLE COMPANY. Instructions: Please complete and submit this Checklist with your application. As you complete this Checklist, place a check in the box next to the item number to indicate that the requested information has been attached or is otherwise included in the application. Submit the application and supporting documentation in duplicate. If items are attached to this application, please number the attachments corresponding to the number of the item below and provide a separate list of attachments. If the item is not applicable, please state “not applicable” in the space provided. If information or documentation is requested but not provided, please explain in a separate attachment. This checklist is intended as an aid only and has been provided to assist you in applying for an organizational securities permit. It is not presented as an exhaustive list of requirements and the applicant must still comply with all appropriate regulations and statutes. Further, pursuant to California Insurance Code Sections 839 and 839.1, the Commissioner has discretion in applying the legal standards of review in considering the application. Pursuant to Title 10, California Code of Regulations Sections 2600 through 2613.08 and the internal requirements of the Department of Insurance, the application for an organizational securities permit must be in pleading form, printed on 8-1/2” x 11” paper, and must contain the information and documentation requested below.

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