Last updated: 3/14/2025
Confidential Reference List of Redacted Identifiers (Circuit Court) {SCRCP 6}
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SCRCP Form 6 - CONFIDENTIAL REFERENCE LIST OF REDACTED IDENTIFIERS. This form is used in South Carolina courts to maintain confidentiality by listing the specific personal or sensitive information (identifiers) that have been redacted from court filings. The form is used when certain pieces of information, such as Social Security numbers, financial account details, or other private data, must be removed or substituted with less sensitive identifiers to protect privacy while still allowing the court to process the case. Each entry on the form includes a reference to the pleading or document, the unredacted identifier that was originally included, and the substituted identifier that will be used in the document in place of the original. This ensures that sensitive information is protected from public access while still allowing the necessary legal proceedings to continue. The form is confidential and must not be placed in publicly accessible areas of case files or case management systems. www.FormsWorkflow.com