Stipulation Re Voluntary Mediation {SFUFC 11.15-C} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

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Stipulation Re Voluntary Mediation {SFUFC 11.15-C} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 5/29/2015

Stipulation Re Voluntary Mediation {SFUFC 11.15-C}

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STIPULATION RE: VOLUNTARY MEDIATION. This form is used to document an agreement between parties in a family law case to attend voluntary mediation. It details the issues needing resolution, acknowledges that any agreement reached will become a court order, and states that if mediation doesn't result in a full agreement, it will fulfill the requirement to attend mediation before a court hearing if a motion is filed within six months. The form confirms the mediation is confidential, limited to one session, and that no court or mediation has occurred on visitation or custody in the past two years. It is signed by the petitioner, respondent, and their attorneys.

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