Last updated: 11/8/2010
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In the Marion Superior Court, Room No. Plaintiff -vs- Cause No. Defendant TO DEFENDANT: (Name) (Address) You are hereby notified that you have been sued by the person named as plaintiff above. and in the Court indicated The nature of the suit against you is stated in the complaint which is attached to this Summons. It also states the relief sought or the demand made against you be the plaintiff. An answer or other appropriate response in writing to the complaint must be filed either by you or your attorney within twenty (20) days, commencing the day after you receive this Summons, (or twenty-three (23)- days if this Summons was received by mail). or a judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded by plaintiff. If you have a claim for relief against the plaintiff assert it in your written answer. arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must If you need the name of an attorney, you may contact the Indianapolis Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (269-2222), or the Marion County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (634-3950). Dated Clerk, Marion Superior Court (The following manner of service of summons is hereby designated.: Registere d or certified mail. Service at place of Service on individual (Seal) employment, to-wit (Personal or copy) at above address Service on agent. (Specify) Other service. (Specify) Attorney for Plaintiff Marion County Superior Court 200 East Washington Street In dianapolis, IN 46204 Address Telephone Telephone American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com Form#209 SHERIFF'S RETURN ON SERVICE day of .,20- OF SUMMONS I hereby certify that I have served this summons on the ( 1) B y delivering a copy of the Summons and a copy of the complaint at to the defendant, (2) By leaving a copy of the Summons and a copy of the complaint which is the dwelling place or usual place of abode of and by mailing a copy of said summons to said defendant at the above address. (3) Other Service or Remarks: Sheriff's Costs Sheriff By: Deputy CLERK'S CERTIFICATE -, OF 20- -, ., by MAILING I mailed a copy of this Summons mail, requesting and a copy of the a return receipt, I hereby certify that on the complaint to the defendant, at the address furnished by the plaintiff. -day of Clerk, Marion Superior Court Dated: , 20 By: Deputy RETURN ON SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY MAIL I hereby certify that the attached return receipt was received by me showing that the Summons and a copy of the complaint mailed to defendant was accepted by the defendant on the day of ~ .20I hereby certify that the attached return receipt was received by me showing that the Summons and a copy of the complaint was returned not accepted on the day of .20. I hereby certify that the attached return receipt was received by me showing that the Summons and a copy of the complaint mailed to defendant defendant on the day of was accepted by .20 on behalf of said ~I > .. Q ., VJ c:: ~ ~ 0 ~ n o c:: ~ ~ o o ~ z o 00 = ~ C/.) c ~ ~ o z C/.) < "' ~ ~ -- 00 n O 00 ~ 00 0 ~ ~ = 0§ ~ ~ 5. Si American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com