Last updated: 7/21/2016
Personal Property Tax Petition Of Appeal
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TO BE FILED IN DUPLICATE MARYLAND TAX COURT Personal Property Petition 301 W. Preston Street, Suite 1513 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 (410) 767-4830 (Toll Free: 1-866-223-6075) internet: ___________________________________ Petitioner v s. State Department of Assessments & Taxation Respondent * * * * * * CASE NO.--------------------------- PETITION OF APPEAL 1. This is an appeal from a final assessment made by the Respondent against the personal property of the Petitioner for the tax year(s) ____________________ The date of the final assessment notice was ____________________ The items of personal property involved, their description and the value assessed. Continue on back if necessary. Item No. Description Assessed Value 2. 3. 4. 5. The personal property is located at __________________________________________________________ Please set out the reason(s) you believe that the action taken against you was illegal or erroneous. Any additional questions to be reviewed by the Court should also be provided. Continue on the back if necessary. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________ (Capacity) Date: ________________ Name, Mailing Address and Telephone: (Please Print or Type) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: If the petitioner is an individual this petition should be signed by said petitioner or an attorney. If petitioner is a partnership, it should be signed by an attorney for the partnership or by any partner. If petitioner is a corporation, it should be signed by the corporation's attorney or by any officer of the corporation. The person signing should designate the capacity in which he/she signs. In any instance, the attorney must be duly admitted to practice before the Court of Appeals. For the Hearing Impaired: MRS 1-800-735-2258 American LegalNet, Inc.