Last updated: 4/13/2015
Note For Motion Docket Kent Regional Justice Center Only
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IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF KING vs. NO. NOTE FOR MOTION DOCKET KENT REGIONAL JUSTICE CENTER ONLY (Clerk's Action Required ) (NTMTDK) THE CLERK OF THE COURT and to all other parties listed on Page 2: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an issue of law in this case will be heard on the date below and the Clerk is directed to note this issue on the calendar checked below. TO: Calendar Date: _____________________________________ Day of Week: _________________________ Nature of Motion: EX PARTE MOTIONS [LCR 7(b)(3)(D) - RJC Room 1J The original of this notice must be filed at the Clerk's Office not less than six court days prior to the requested hearing date for these calendars. Motions are scheduled 9:00-11:30 a.m. in Courtroom 1J (except as indicated): [ ] Eviction Hearing Time: 9:00 a.m. [ ] Other Ex Parte Motion. Hearing Time: The original of this notice must be filed at the Clerk's Office not less than fourteen calendar days prior to requested hearing date - Deliver Working Papers (on accountings, contested or complex cases) to the Judges Mailroom 2D at RJC. Ex Parte hearings do not require confirmation. [ ] Adoption Final Hearing Hearing Time: 1:30 p.m. (LCR 93.04) [ ] Final Decree [ ] Atty. to Appear Hearing Time: _ [ ] No Attorney Hearing Time: 1:30 p.m. [ ] Probate/Guardianship Hearing Time: 10:30 a.m. (LCR 98.04, 98.16, 98.20) FAMILY LAW MOTIONS [LFLR 6] - RJC in 1F or 1G The original of this notice must be filed at the Clerk's Office not less than fourteen calendar days prior to the requested hearing date, except for Summary Judgment Motions (to be filed with Clerk 28 days in advance). Must confirm at (206) 477-2750 (LFLR 6). Deliver Commissioner's copies to A1222 RJC. SEE PAGE 2 FOR IMPORTANT NOTICE! [ ] Domestic Motion 9:00 a.m. daily [ ] Sealed File Motion 1:30 p.m. Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri [ ] Parenting Plan Modification (threshold) 1:30 p.m. Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri You may list an address that is not your residential address where you agree to accept legal documents. Sign: ____________________________________ Print/Type Name: ____________________________________ WSBA # _________________ (if attorney) Attorney for: _______________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________ Telephone: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Party requesting hearing must file motion & affidavits separately along with this notice. List names, addresses and telephone numbers of all parties requiring notice, (including Guardian Ad Litem) on page 2. Serve a copy of this notice of hearing, with motion documents, on all parties. DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO SET HEARINGS BEFORE CHIEF CIVIL JUDGE OR THE ASSIGNED JUDGE FOR THE CASE. NOTE FOR MOTION DOCKET - KENT COURTHOUSE ONLY NotMotDktKNTdoc 09162013 Page 1 www.kingcounty.gov/courts/scforms American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com LIST NAMES AND SERVICE ADDRESSES FOR ALL NECESSARY PARTIES REQUIRING NOTICE Name__________________________________ Service Address:_________________________ City, State, Zip___________________________ WSBA# _______Atty. For:__________________ Telephone #: ___________________________ Name__________________________________ Service Address:_________________________ City, State, Zip___________________________ WSBA# _______Atty. For:__________________ Telephone #: ___________________________ Name__________________________________ Service Address:_________________________ City, State, Zip___________________________ WSBA# _______Atty. For:__________________ Telephone #: ___________________________ Name__________________________________ Service Address:_________________________ City, State, Zip___________________________ WSBA# _______Atty .For:__________________ Telephone #: ___________________________ Name__________________________________ Service Address:_________________________ City, State, Zip___________________________ WSBA# _______Atty. For:__________________ Telephone #: ___________________________ Name__________________________________ Service Address:_________________________ City, State, Zip___________________________ WSBA# _______Atty. For:__________________ Telephone #: ___________________________ IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING FAMILY LAW CASES IF YOU ARE THE PERSON SCHEDULING THIS MOTION, you must confirm this hearing by calling the Family Law Motions Coordinators at (206) 477-2750 between 2:30 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. (3) court days before the hearing and between 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. (noon) two (2) court days prior to the hearing. IF YOU OBJECT TO THIS MOTION, under King County Superior Court Local Family Law Rule 5, your response and accompanying paperwork must be in writing and must be delivered, not later than by 12:00 p.m. (noon) of four (4) weekdays (not including court holidays) prior to the hearing to: 1) The Superior Court Clerk in Room 2C (the originals go to the Clerk); 2) All parties' attorneys (or directly to any party who does not have an attorney); and, 3) The Family Law Motions Coordinators in Room A1222. Any statements of a party or witness must be signed, dated and sworn to under penalty of perjury, and must contain the state and city where signed. The moving party's reply is due by noon two court days prior to the hearing. Check-in time is 9:00 a.m. for morning hearings and 1:15 p.m. for afternoon hearings. THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL SUMMARY OF THE LOCAL RULES. ALL PARTIES ARE ADVISED TO CONSULT WITH AN ATTORNEY. The REGIONAL JUSTICE CENTER is in Kent, Washington at 401 Fourth Avenue North. NOTE FOR MOTION DOCKET - KENT COURTHOUSE ONLY NotMotDktKNTdoc 09162013 Page 2 www.kingcounty.gov/courts/scforms American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com