![Order And Entry | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio](http://fwfprod.s3.amazonaws.com/Ohio/Jpeg/1%20City%20(Municipal%20Court)/Vandalia/Criminal/Order%20And%20Entry_firstPage.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJKLRW4A3X2WJFD7Q&Expires=1740038502&Signature=WNgVdf8JK4Kdny%2FBd2KGU1s74vA%3D)
Last updated: 4/13/2015
Order And Entry
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IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF VANDALIA, OHIO TRAFFIC/CRIMINAL DIVISION STATE OF OHIO Plaintiff, vs. _______________________________ Defendant. : : : : : ORDER AND ENTRY CASE NO. _________________ ________________________________, being duly cautioned and sworn according to law, deposes and says that on or about the ____________ day of ____________________, 20______, he/she deposited with the Clerk of the Vandalia Municipal Court, Vandalia, Ohio, the sum of $ ________________ as BAIL for one _______________________________, Defendant in the above case. AFFIANT further swears that since that time he/she has lost the receipt for said BAIL and after due and diligent search he/she is still unable to find said receipt. Further AFFIANT says nothing. _______________________________ Sworn to and subscribed before me by the said ____________________________ on this _____________ day of _____________________, 20________. KAREN GOFFENA, CLERK VANDALIA MUNICIPAL COURT BY: __________________________ Deputy Clerk American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com