Last updated: 8/12/2011
Application By Relative For Approval Of Placement {316}
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<document>PROBATE COURT OF BUTLER COUNTY, OHIOIN THE MATTER OF THE PLACEMENT OF(Current name of child) CASE NO.APPLICATION BY RELATIVE FOR APPROVAL OF PLACEMENT [R.C. 5103.16(D)]Applicant,, who resides at (Name of relative)represents that applicant is the (Address of relative)of a child whose date of birth isand (Relationship to child)(Birthdate of child)who resides at. (Address of child)Applicant states that: (Check whichever applicable)the mother of the child is deceased. the father of the child is deceased. the mother as established pursuant to R.C. 3111.02(A) has abandoned the child as determined under R.C. 3107.07(A). the father as established pursuant to R.C. 3111.02(A) has abandoned the child as determined under R.C. 3107.07(A).Applicant proposes that said child be placed for adoption and states that such proposed placement would be in the best interest of the child. Applicant requests that the Court order an independent home study of the proposed placement to be conducted as provided in section 3107.031 of the Revised Code. Applicant consents to the proposed placement. Applicant requests that a hearing be set to allow the Applicant to appear before the Court concerning the proposed placement. WHEREFORE, Applicant prays that such proposed placement be approved.Signature of Relative5/98BCPC FORM 316 -APPLICATION BY RELATIVE FOR APPROVAL OF PLACEMENT2001 © American LegalNet, Inc.</document>