Letters Of Conservatorship {20.2} | Pdf Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Butler   Probate   Conservatorship 
Letters Of Conservatorship {20.2} | Pdf Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 5/19/2006

Letters Of Conservatorship {20.2}

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<document>PROBATE COURT OF BUTLER COUNTY, OHIOIN THE MATTER OF THE CONSERVATORSHIP OF CASE NO.LETTERS OF CONSERVATORSHIPis appointed Conservator ofAs Conservator, his/her powers are: 1. All powers conferred by the Guardianship laws of Ohio and the Rules of this Court over the conservatee's: Person and EstatePerson OnlyEstate Only2. Those guardianship powers, until revoked, are for an: Indefinite time period Definite time period to,3. The Conservator's powers are limited to:4. The following property of the conservatee is subject to the above power of the conservator: All property. Only the property listed as follows:The above-named Conservator has the power conferred by law to do and perform all the duties of Conservator as described. DateProbate JudgeNOTETOFINANCIALINSTITUTIONS Funds being held in the name of the within-named Conservatee shall not be released to Conservator without a CourtOrderdirectingreleaseofaspecificfundandamountsthereof.CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT AND INCUMBENCYThis document is a true copy of the original kept by me as custodian of this Court. It constitutes the appointment and letters of authority of the named Conservator, who is qualified and acting in such capacity.(Probate Judge) byDeputy Clerk (SEAL)(Date)9/1/91FORM 20.2. LETTERS OF CONSERVATORSHIP2001 © American LegalNet, Inc.</document>

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