Inventory And Appraisal {6.0} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Hamilton   Probate   Estate Administration 
Inventory And Appraisal {6.0} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 2/20/2018

Inventory And Appraisal {6.0}

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PROBATE COURT OF HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO RALPH WINKLER , JUDGE ESTATE OF , DECEASED CASE NO. INVENTORY AND APPRAISAL [R.C . 2115.02 AND 2115.09] To the knowledge of the fiduciary the attached schedule of assets in decedent's estate is complete. The fiduciary determined the value of those assets whose values were readily ascertainable and which were not appraised by the appr aiser, and that such values are correct. The estate is recapitulated as follows: Tangible personal property ................................ ................................ .................... $ Intangible personal property ................................ ................................ .................... $ Real Estate ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. $ Total ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... $ First automobile transferred to surviving spouse under R.C. 2106.18 ................................ ..................... value $ Second automobile transferred to surviving spouse under R.C. 2106.18 ................................ ..................... value $ (attach sheet listing any additional automobile s transferred to surviving spouse) Total value [not to exceed $ 65 $ Insofar as it can be ascertained, an Ohio Estate Tax Return will will not be filed. The fiduciary is also the surviving spouse of the decedent will, and waives notice of the taking of the inventory. Attorney Fiduciary Attorney Registration No. APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATE The undersigned appraiser agreed to act as appraiser of decedent's estate and to appraise the property exhibited truly, honestly, impartially, and to the best of the appraiser's knowledge and ability. The appraiser further says that those assets whose va lues were not readily ascertainable are indicated on the attached schedule by a check in the "Appraised" column opposite each such item, and that such values are correct. Appraiser Page 1 of 2 H.C. FORM 6.0 - INVENTORY AND APPRAISAL 4 /0 6 / 17 American LegalNet, Inc. CASE NO. WAIVER OF NOTICE OF TAKING OF INVENTORY [R.C. 2115.04] The undersigned surviving spouse hereby waives notice of the time and place of taking the inven tory of decedent's estate. Surviving Spouse WAIVER OF NOTICE OF HEARING ON INVENTORY [Use when notice is required by the Court or deemed necessary by the fiduciary] The undersigned, who are interested in the estate, waive notice of the hearing on the inventory. Page 2 of 2 H . C . FORM 6.0 INVENTORY AND APPRAISAL American LegalNet, Inc.

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