Last updated: 9/6/2011
Affidavit For Service By Publication - DNA {WCJC-5}
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IN THE WARREN COUNTY, OHIO COMMON PLEAS COURT JUVENILE DIVISION In the Matter of: ______________________________ ______________________________ Alleged Abused/Dependent/Neglected Child(ren) : : CASE NO._________________ AFFIDAVIT FOR SERVICE : BY PUBLICATION _____________________________________________________________________________ STATE OF OHIO, WARREN COUNTY SS: After first being duly cautioned and sworn ____________________________, a caseworker with the Warren County Children Services Board states that since the filing of the complaint, the address of ________________________________, the parent of the minor child(ren) was last known to be ________________________________ and that reasonable diligence to ascertain a more definite address has been to no avail; affiant states that all of the efforts made to learn the address of the above party include the following: Researched local telephone books, city directories Screened agency records Requested current information from known parent and extended family Researched internet, ie. Peoplesearch Contacted Child Support Enforcement Agency Completed "Application for Search of Ohio Putative Father Registry" Contacted the Ohio Department of Corrections, Central Records Information System Requested the following searches from the Warren County Juvenile Prosecutor's Office: Felony Conviction Court of Domestic Relations involvement Municipal Court convictions If applicable, contacted Felony Probation and/or Municipal Court Probation Letter to last known address Letter to last known employer Researched Bureau of Motor Vehicles website for drivers license or vehicle registration Information Contacted maternal/paternal relatives of person to be served ___________________________________ , Affiant Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this ______ day of ______________________, 20___. ___________________________________ Deputy Clerk Warren County Juvenile Court WCJC Form 5.0 Eff. 04//04/11 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com