![Application To Broadcast Televise Record Or Photograph Proceedings | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio](http://fwfprod.s3.amazonaws.com/Ohio/Jpeg/4%20Court%20Of%20Appeals/10th%20Appellate%20District/Application%20To%20Broadcast%20Televise%20Record%20Or%20Photograph%20Proceedings_firstPage.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJKLRW4A3X2WJFD7Q&Expires=1740031048&Signature=wjVqwaj3%2BWF%2BRZEszRzZi6m72kE%3D)
Last updated: 3/30/2016
Application To Broadcast Televise Record Or Photograph Proceedings
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TENTH APPELLATE DISTRICT FRANKLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE 373 SOUTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS. OHIO 43215-6313 (614) 462-3580 FAX (614) 462-7249 APPLICATION TO BROADCAST, TELEVISE, RECORD, OR PHOTOGRAPH PROCEEDINGS (must be filed by 8:30 a.m. on date requested) Permission is hereby requested, as indicated below, to broadcast, televise, record, or photograph, proceedings of the Tenth District Court of Appeals at the time and date indicated with respect to the cases indicated, upon the representation that such activity will be so conducted as not to distract the participants nor impair the dignity of the proceedings nor otherwise materially interfere with the achievement of a fair hearing and with the understanding that use of additional lighting, use of devices emitting discernible sound during operation, or loading and unloading equipment during proceedings is prohibited. Name of Applicant Persons who will perform activity Type of Activity Describe equipment to be used Date & time activity to be conducted Cases with respect to which activity To be conducted Purpose of activity By making this application, applicant agrees to comply with any instructions concerning conduct of the activity that the Presiding Judge of the court panel may deem necessary during the course of the proceedings. Applicant By TITLE ENTRY The foregoing application is hereby granted. JUDGE American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com