![Acknowledgment Of Advice Of Rights {JU 07.0400} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Washington](http://fwfprod.s3.amazonaws.com/Washington/Jpeg/1%20Statewide/Juvenile%20Court/Juvenile%20Offense/Acknowledgment%20Of%20Advice%20Of%20Rights%20%7BJU%2007.0400%7D_firstPage.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJKLRW4A3X2WJFD7Q&Expires=1740038699&Signature=61YwNtvNthRAcQ%2FffYWllD%2FEYak%3D)
Last updated: 11/20/2018
Acknowledgment Of Advice Of Rights {JU 07.0400}
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Acknowledgment of Advice of Rights (AKAR) - Page 1 of 3 WPF JU 07.0400 (06/2018) - JuCR 7.6(c); RCW 13.40.140 Superior Court of Washington County of Juvenile Court STATE OF WASHINGTON v. Respondent(s). D.O.B.: NO: Acknowledgment of Advice of Rights (AKAR) 1. My true name is: . I am also known as: . 2. My age is . Date of birth: . 3. I understand that I am accused of: Count I, the offense of: . Count II, the offense of: . Count III, the offense of: . Additional counts: . The Standard Disposition Ranges for the offenses are as follows: Local Sanctions: COUNT SUPERVISION COMMUNITY RESTITUTION FINE DETENTION RESTITUTION 1 0 to 12 months 0 to 150 hours $0 to $500 0 to 30 Days As required 2 0 to 12 months 0 to 150 hours $0 to $500 0 to 30 Days As required 3 0 to 12 months 0 to 150 hours $0 to $500 0 to 30 Days As required Rehabilitation Administration (RA) Commitment: COUNT WEEKS AT REHABILITATION ADMINISTRATION (RA) FACILITY RESTITUTION 1 15 to 36 30 to 40 52 to 65 80 to 100 103 to 129 129 to 260 180 to Age 21 As required 2 15 to 36 30 to 40 52 to 65 80 to 100 103 to 129 129 to 260 180 to Age 21 As required 3 15 to 36 30 to 40 52 to 65 80 to 100 103 to 129 129 to 260 180 to Age 21 As required American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Acknowledgment of Advice of Rights (AKAR) - Page 2 of 3 WPF JU 07.0400 (06/2018) - JuCR 7.6(c); RCW 13.40.140 The maximum possible punishment that can be imposed by Juvenile Court is years or commitment to JRA to age 21 25, whichever is less. 4. I also understand that I have all of the following rights: a. To be represented by a lawyer and if I cannot afford to pay for a lawyer, to have one provided at public expense; b. To appointment of experts as necessary; c. To have the clerk of court issue subpoenas requiring attendance and testimony of witnesses and production of records, documents or other objects at hearings; d. To have all proceedings transcribed verbatim; e. To have any court hearing open to the general public and press, unless the court, for cause, orders a hearing closed; f. In all adjudication proceedings to receive adequate notice, to receive discovery as provided in criminal cases, opportunity to be heard, to confront witnesses except in cases in which Title 13 RCW permits the use of hearsay testimony, to findings based solely on evidence presented at the hearing and to have all proceedings heard by an unbiased fact-finder; g. To the privilege against self-incrimination; h. To testify on my behalf; i. To have my lawyer present during any questioning; j. To stop answering questions at any time, even though I have started to answer questions, without asking for a lawyer, in that any statement I make may be used at a hearing against me; k. To a speedy and public fact-finding hearing in the county where the offense(s) of which I am charged allegedly occurred; and l. To be presumed innocent until any accusation is proved by evidence beyond reasonable doubt, or until I decide to enter a plea of guilty. 5. I understand that if I decide to plead guilty, I will have no right to a hearing on any charge to which I plead guilty. All that will remain for the court to do will be to sentence me. I will not be able to appeal the question of my guilt or any charge to which I plead guilty. 6. I understand that if I am held in detention, a criminal charge must be filed against me within 72 hours from the time I am detained (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) or I will be released. I also understand that I have the right to a detention hearing and that the court will make every reasonable effort to hold a detention hearing on my case by the end of the next judicial day, and if one is not held within 72 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays), I will be released. 7. I understand that the prosecutor or the court may file a motion requesting the court to transfer me to adult court for adult criminal prosecution. Consequently, the matter may be set for a hearing on the question of declining jurisdiction. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Acknowledgment of Advice of Rights (AKAR) - Page 3 of 3 WPF JU 07.0400 (06/2018) - JuCR 7.6(c); RCW 13.40.140 8. I understand that if I am 16 or 17 years of age, depending on the alleged offense and/or my criminal history, I could be automatically transferred to adult superior court for adult criminal prosecution. Respondent Respondent222s Lawyer Type or Print Name/Bar Number COURT222S CERTIFICATE The foregoing statement was read by or to the respondent. The respondent signed the statement in presence of his or her lawyer and the undersigned judge in open court. Dated: Judge/Commissioner Respondent222s Lawyer Deputy Prosecuting Attorney cc: Respondent Respondent222s Lawyer Deputy Prosecuting Attorney American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com