Last updated: 5/2/2006
Petition To Terminate Child Support And Or Alimony (2 Signatures)
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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA , Case No.: Petitioner Division: and , Respondent PETITION TO TERMINATE CHILD SUPPORT AND/OR ALIMONY The undersigned Petitioners, being under a Court Order to pay and receive child support/alimony paymentsthrough the designated depository, request the Court to terminate the child support/alimony provisions of theorder to be effective the Day of , 20 .1. The reason for this request is as follows: On that date the Petitioners were married. On that date the Petitioners began co-habitation without marriage. On that date the child(ren) , began residing with the payor. On that date the only remaining minor child receiving the benefit of support reached the age of 18. Said child has ( )/has not ( ) graduated from high school. On that date the only remaining minor child receiving the benefit of support married, a copy of the marriage license is attached. On that date the only remaining minor child receiving the benefit of support was adopted in case number In C o u n t y, (State) on , 20 . On that date the only remaining minor childreceiving the benefit of support became self- supporting in the following manner: . As of that date the only remaining minor child receiving the benefit of support is deceased, a copy of the death certificate is attached. Other: .<<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 22. Petitioners Are Are not currently receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) or other public assistance benefits from the State of Florida.3. Petitioners Have Have not in the past received Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) or other public assistance benefits from and no arrearage is owed to the State of Florida. I understand that I am swearing or affirming under oath to the truthfulness of the claims made in thispetition and the punishment for knowingly making a false statement includes fines and/or imprisonment. Signature of party Signature of partyPrinted Name: Printed Name: Address: Address: City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip: Telephone Number: ( ) Telephone Number: ( ) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SANTA ROSA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Day of , 20 , By Who is either personally known to me or whoproduced As identification, and who did take an oath. NOTARY PUBLIC OR DEPUTY CLERK Print, type, or stamp commission[Print, type, or stamp commissionSTATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SANTA ROSA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Day of , 20 ,By Who is either personally known to me or whoproduced As identification, and who did take an oath. NOTARY PUBLIC OR DEPUTY CLERK [Print, type, or stamp commissioned name of notary or clerk.]IF A NONLAWYER HELPED YOU FILL OUT THIS FORM, HE/SHE MUST FILL IN THE BLANKS<<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3BELOW: [fill in all blanks] I, {full legal name and trade name of nonlawyer} , a nonlawyer, located at {street} , {city} ,{state} , {phone} , helped {name} , who is th e [check one only] Petitioner or Respondent, fill outthis form.