Subpoena For Deposition | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

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Subpoena For Deposition | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 4/13/2015

Subpoena For Deposition

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STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTY-FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT KANKAKEE COUNTY Vs. Case No. ______________________ SUBPOENA FOR DEPOSITION To: _________________________________________________________ You are commanded to appear to give your deposition before a notary public in room ________at ____________________________________________, Illinois, on __________________, 20______ (insert name of building address, including city) at ______ M. YOU ARE COMMANDED ALSO to bring the following in your possession or control: YOUR FAILURE TO APPEAR IN RESPONSE TO THIS SUPBOENA WILL SUBJECT YOU TO PUNISHMENT FOR CONTEMPT OF THIS COURT. WITNESS, __________________, 20____ ___________________________________ Clerk of the Circuit Court . By:_______________________________ Deputy . I served the subpoena by handing a copy to ________________________________________ on ____________, 20____. I paid the witness $__________________________ for witness and mileage fees. _________________________________________ Signed and sworn to before me ________________________________, 20______ _________________________________________ Notary Public Plaintiff's attorney or plaintiff, if not represented by an attorney Name __________________________________ Attorney for _______________________________ Address __________________________________ City ______________________________________ Telephone _________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc.

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