Consent To Receive Notice Of Orders And Judgments Via Electronic Transmission | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Texas

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Consent To Receive Notice Of Orders And Judgments Via Electronic Transmission | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Texas

Last updated: 6/16/2006

Consent To Receive Notice Of Orders And Judgments Via Electronic Transmission

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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS OFFICE OF THE CLERK CONSENT TO RECEIVE NOTICE OF ORDERS AND JUDGMENTS VIA E LECTRONIC TRAN SMISSIONI, the undersigned, authorize the Clerk of Court for the Northern District of Texas to transmit notice of entries ofjudgments and orders to me under Fed.R.Civ.P. 77, Fed.R.Crim.P. 49, LR 77.1 and LCrR 49.4 by electronictransmission in any case in which this capability exists and I appear as attorney of record.I understand it is my responsibility to provide the Clerks Office with a primary electronic mail address and to notify theClerks Office promptly in writing if this primary electronic mail address changes. If I provide courtesy electronic mailaddresses, I also agree to notify the Clerks Office promptly in writing if the courtesy addresses change. I understandthat electronic mail filter software may interfere with receipt of e-mail notices from the Clerks Office, and I haveverified that any such software installed on my computer or network will not filter out messages sent I understand this electronic notice will be in lieu of notice by any other means.Signed this _____ day of ______________________, 20____. Signature: ____________________________________ Printed Name: ____________________________________ State Bar No: ____________________________________ Firm Name: ____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Pho ne No.: ____________________________________THE FO LLOW ING ELECTR ONIC M AIL ADDRESS IS MY P RIMARY E LECTRONIC M AIL ADDR ESSFOR ELECT RONIC T RANSMISS ION: Primary Electronic Mail Address : ______________________________Primary Electronic M ail Service: ______________________________ (e.g., Outlook, Lotus Notes, Yahoo)THE FO LLOW ING ADDITIONAL ELEC TRON IC MA IL ADDRESSES SHOU LD RECEIVE COU RTESYCO PIES BY ELECTRONIC TRA NSM ISSION (NO MOR E THAN THREE):Courtesy Electronic Mail Addresses: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________FAX this authorization to:

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