Nolle Prosequi | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Massachusetts

 Massachusetts   Statewide   Housing Court 
Nolle Prosequi | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Massachusetts

Last updated: 8/16/2006

Nolle Prosequi

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COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ________________,SS: HOUSING COURT DEPARTMENT _______________ DIVISION Criminal No. / / - / / / / / / COMMONWEALTH VS. ____________________________________ DEFENDANT(S) NOLLE PROSEQUI Now comes the Complainant in the above action, namely the __________________, and enters this nolle prosequi for the following reasons(s): _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ By its attorney, _______________________________ ________________________________ Address ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Telephone Number Dated: _________________ American LegalNet, Inc.

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