Stipulation for Jury Less Than Twelve | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Massachusetts

 Massachusetts   Federal   District Court 
Stipulation for Jury Less Than Twelve | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Massachusetts

Last updated: 8/14/2006

Stipulation for Jury Less Than Twelve

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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V. CRIMINAL NO. STIPULATION FOR JURY LESS THAN TWELVE BUT NOT LESS THAN TEN On this the day of the undersigned hereby agree that if, in the opinion of the Court, not more than two jurors, after being selected to serve, become disqualified, incapacitate d or otherwise unable or unqualified to serve at any stage of the trial, such jurors may be excused and the trial may continue and a verdict rendered by the rema ining jurors; it being understood that a least ten jurors must be present and participate in the trial and the verdict. United States Attorney By Assistant U.S. Attorney APPROVED: Attorney for Defendant UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE Defendant (Jury Stip of10.wpd - 2/2000) [kstipjury.] American LegalNet, Inc.

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