Return Of Service (For Parental Relocation Notice) {SCA-FC-132} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | West Virginia

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Return Of Service (For Parental Relocation Notice) {SCA-FC-132} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | West Virginia

Last updated: 8/10/2006

Return Of Service (For Parental Relocation Notice) {SCA-FC-132}

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RETURN OF SERVI CE I, , an individual over the age of 18 years, whois not a party to Civil Action No. , personally ser ved , at address wi th acopy of this Notice of Rel ocation on the day of ,20 ,at oclock .m. Signa ture Please pri nt your name on this line so that it can be easi ly read Address of server: ST AT E O F W ES T VIRG INIA, COUNT Y OF , to-wit: This Return of Service was signed befor e this day of , . My commission expires: Notary publicSCA -F-132 (12/01) Return of Servi ce

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