Periodic And Or Final Settlement {AOC-856} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Kentucky

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Periodic And Or Final Settlement {AOC-856} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Kentucky

Last updated: 9/17/2018

Periodic And Or Final Settlement {AOC-856}

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en-USNOTICE TO GUARDIAN OR CONSERVATOR FOR MINOR AND TO CONSERVATOR FOR DISABLED PERSON:en-USen-USSettlement every two (2) years after the original report. (NOTE: YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO FILE THIS INVENTORY en-USIF YOU ARE THE GUARDIAN FOR A DISABLED PERSON.)en-USIN RE: Estate of , a en-USen-US Minor under 18 en-USen-US Disabled Person. þ Comes , appointed as en-USen-US Guardian en-USen-US Conservator of theen-US en-USabove estate on , 2. This en-USen-US Periodic en-USen-US Final Settlement indicates, by itemizeen-USd en-USstatement and supported by receipts and vouchers, the assets received and disbursements made since the Inventory or en-USen-USnt to:en-USen-US KRS 387.710 OR en-USen-US KRS 387.175, 395.610 - 395.657 and 395.990en-USASSETS & INVESTMENTSen-US(en-USen-USen-US en-USen-USen-US). ITEM þ þ en-USAMOUNT þ $ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ TOTAL ASSETS RECEIVED: þ $ þ en-USDISBURSEMENTS þ en-USAMOUNT þ $ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS MADE: þ $ þ en-USBALANCE þ þ þ ASSETS LESS DISBURSEMENTS: þ $ en-USFor Periodic Settlements - carry balance forward to next report.en-USFor Final Settlements - indicate to whom balance was paid and attach receipt. en-USAOC-856 Doc. Code: SET or Rev. 7-18 þ SETF en-USPage 1 of 2en-USCommonwealth of Kentuckyen-USCourt of Justice en-USen-USKRS 387.175; 387.710; 395.610-.657; en-US395.990en-USPERIODIC/FINAL SETTLEMENTen-USen-US GUARDIAN OR CONSERVATOR FOR MINORen-USen-US CONSERVATOR FOR DISABLED PERSON lexet justitia COMMONWEALTHOFKENTUCKY COURTOFJUSTICE en-USCase No. en-USCourt en-USCounty en-USDivision en-USDistrict American LegalNet, Inc. en-USIN PERIODIC SETTLEMENTS:en-USPLAN FOR PRESERVING AND MAINTAINING ESTATE (en-USen-US)en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USIN FINAL SETTLEMENTS:en-USUNPAID CREDITORS - ALLOWED CLAIMS þ en-USAMOUNT þ $ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ TOTAL þ þ $ þ CREDITORS - DISALLOWED CLAIMS þ en-USAMOUNT þ $ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ TOTAL þ þ $ þ þ Above-named Guardian/Conservator submits this Settlement to the Court, and if a Final Settlement, asks that the en-USSurety be discharged. þ en-US Date þ en-USGuardian/Conservator Signature þ þ þ Address en-USSubscribed and sworn before me on , 2. My commission expires: , en-US2. þ þ Name/Title en-USAOC 856 Rev. 7-18þ Case No. Page 2 of 2 en-USGuardian's/Conservator's Phone Number American LegalNet, Inc.

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