Last updated: 4/13/2015
Application For Certification As Foreign Legal Consultant (Packet)
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Procedures to be followed by Applicants Under Florida's Foreign Legal Consultant Rule Chapter 16, Rules Regulating The Florida Bar The Application Forms, Parts A and B, may be obtained from The Florida Bar website, Part A, The Florida Bar Application for Certification as a Foreign Legal Consultant, must be fully completed, signed and notarized where indicated, and returned, with all accompanying documentation, certificates, letters of recommendation and other documents specified in the application, along with three copies and payment in the amount of $750 to The Florida Bar. Part B, The National Conference of Bar Examiners Character and Fitness Application, must be fully completed online at Three copies of Part B should be sent to The Florida Bar with the application, documents and copies requested under Part A. Part B will be processed by the NCBE and a background report submitted to The Florida Bar. Please note: DO NOT SEND PART A OR PART B AS ABOVE INSTRUCTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY ALL OF THE DOCUMENTATION SPECIFIED THEREIN. THE APPLICATION FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. Upon receipt of the results of the NCBE background check, the Standing Committee on Foreign Legal Consultants will review the application package (Parts A and B) for completeness, correctness and accuracy and, if satisfied, will certify to the Supreme Court of Florida, through The Florida Bar, that the applicant appears to have complied with all of the requirements of Chapter 16 and should be certified as a Foreign Legal Consultant under the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar. Thereafter, the Supreme Court will determine whether the applicant will be certified; if the applicant is certified, the Supreme Court will so notify The Florida Bar which, in turn, will notify the applicant and provide the applicant with appropriate evidence of certification. If the applicant fails to be certified by the Supreme Court, then The Florida Bar will be so advised and will, in turn, so advise the applicant. Foreign Legal Consultant Application Fee (Item #3100014) IMPORTANT: PLEASE LIST CURRENT OFFICIAL MAILING ADDRESS BELOW. BUSINESS ADDRESS AND PHONE PREFERRED. FILL OUT FORM COMPLETELY Name (Please Print): ______________________________________________ Country Where Licensed: ___________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________________ Fax Number: _____________________________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________________ Website: _____________________________________________________ Return payment to: International Law Section Program Administrator The Florida Bar 651 E. Jefferson Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300 PAYMENT: $750 (Item #3100014) METHOD OF PAYMENT (check one): Check enclosed made payable to The Florida Bar Credit Card: MASTERCARD VISA DISCOVER AMEX Exp. Date: ____/____ (MO./YR.) Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name on Card: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Billing Zip Code: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Card No.: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. Checklist -- Part A The following checklist contains items that must be included when submitting an application for certification as a foreign legal consultant in Florida. 1. If you answered "No" to Item 6(B), a separate sheet of paper explaining details. ____6(B) 2. If you answered "Yes" to the following items, a separate sheet of paper explaining details. _____ 6(C) _____ 6(D) _____ 6(E) _____ 6(F) _____ 8(A) _____ 8(B) _____ 8(C) _____ 8(D) _____ 8(E)(1) _____8(E)(2) 3. Attachments described in Item 9 _____ 9(1) _____ 9(2) _____ 9(3) _____ 9(4) _____ 9(5) _____ 9(6) _____ 9(6) _____9(7) _____ 9(8) 4. _____ Your signature 5. _____ Signature of Person Taking Acknowledgment 6. _____ Three (3) copies of The Florida Bar Application for Certification as a Foreign Legal Consultant 7. _____ Three (3) copies of the National Conference of Bar Examiners Character and Fitness Application (send original to NCBE) 8. _____ Payment in the amount of $750 to The Florida Bar American LegalNet, Inc. Part A IN THE SUPREME COURT OF FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION AS A FOREIGN LEGAL CONSULTANT NAME: [ ] Mr. [ ] Ms. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ PLACE OF BIRTH: ______________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ________________________________________ U.S. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: ____________________________________________________________________________________ FLORIDA DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER: ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. PERMANENT ADDRESS __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: _______________________________________ FLORIDA ADDRESS _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: _______________________________________ 2. Present Employment: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. CITIZENSHIP: Of what country are you a citizen? ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Basis for Admission to the United States: (A) (B) (C) (D) Type of Visa: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Issue: ___________________________________ Date of Expiration: ___________________________________