Last updated: 5/13/2019
Joint Motion To Relinquish Jurisdiction For Approval Of Settlement
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IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL FOR THE STATE OF FLORIDA FIFTH DISTRICT Appellant(s), v. Appellee(s) Appellate Case No. 5D County Case No. / JOINT MOTION TO RELINQUISH JURISDICTION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT Appellant(s), , and Appellee(s), , jointly move for entry of an order temporarily relinquishing jurisdiction of this case to the Circuit Court of the Judicial Circuit, County, upon the following grounds: 1.The parties have reached a settlement of all issues on this appeal, subjectto and contingent upon approval of the Circuit Court. 2.The parties anticipate that sixty days will be sufficient time for the CircuitCourt to rule on the proposed settlement. WHEREFORE, the parties move for entry of an order temporarily relinquishing the jurisdiction of this Court to the Circuit Court for sixty days for approval of the settlement. DATED this day of , 20 . Attorney for Appellant(s) (Name) (Address)(City/State/Zip) Attorney for Appellee(s) (Name) (Address) (City/State/Zip) Counsel shall e-file this motion with the Fifth District Court of Appeal via the . American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com