Order Terminating Pretrial House Arrest {MAG 95-03} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

 Georgia   Local County   Gwinnett   Magistrate Court   Criminal 
Order Terminating Pretrial House Arrest {MAG 95-03} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

Last updated: 7/28/2006

Order Terminating Pretrial House Arrest {MAG 95-03}

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IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA STATE OF GEORGIA vs. Warrant Nos: ______________________________________________________________________________ Inmate No: _______________________________ Defendant ORDER TERMINATING PRETRIAL HOUSE ARREST The Defendant having been placed in the Pretrial House Arrest Program with Special Conditions and the Court having beenadvised of the following: BOND - ADJUDICATION - DISMISSAL [ ] The defendant has posted bond in lieu of electronic release; [ ] The defendants case has been adjudicated or dismissed; [ ] Pretrial House Arrest has been modified by order of a court of competent jurisdiction. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the court order concerning defendants pretrial house arrest is hereby terminatedand dismissed. VIOLATIONS OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS The defendant has violated the following Special Condition of Pre-Trial Release: [ ] defendant has been arrested for a new criminal offense(s), ______________________________________; [ ] defendant failed to pay the court ordered fees for the electronic monitoring, owing $___________________; [ ] defendant failed to maintain suitable employment; [ ] defendant failed a drug test, testing positive for _______________________________________________; [ ] defendant failed an alcohol test: ___________ detected alcohol about the defendant; [ ] alcosensor results: _____ gms%; [ ] breathalyzer results: ______ gms%. [ ] defendant changed residence without proper notification prior to doing so; [ ] defendant violated curfew as follows: _______________________________________________________; [ ] defendant failed to be within his/her residence during hours of restriction, ___________________________;[ ] defendant failed to maintain contact by telephone with program supervisor, __________________________; [ ] defendant violated other conditions of release as follows: ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ The Court having found that the Defendant has failed to abide by the Special Conditions of House Arrest, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED the order permitting the defendant to be released from the Gwinnett County Detention Center onthe Pretrial House Arrest Program is hereby terminated, instanter. The Defendant shall be returned to the Gwinnett CountyDetention Center. In the event the Defendant is not already in the custody of the Sheriffs Department, the Defendant shallbe arrested immediately to effectuate the terms and provisions of this order. SO ORDERED, this ______ day of ________________________, 20_____. _____________________________________________________ JUDGE, GWINNETT MAGISTRATE COURT W:Magforms\MAG 95-03 Order Terminating House Arrest

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