Last updated: 4/9/2019
Request To Research Civil Records
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Request to Research Civil Records c/o Reno Justice Court Civil Division P.O. Box 11130 Reno, Nevada 89520-0027 I, , Title: of the (company, corporation or business) do hereby request that the Reno Justice Court search the civil records for the following-named individual. SUBJECT222S NAME: Last Name First Name Middle Name ALSO KNOWN AS: DATE OF BIRTH: ADDRESS (if known): Please indicate year(s) requested: and enclose $1.00 per year requested. I understand there is a cost of $1.00 per calendar year to research the civil records of the person above named. I agree to pay that amount at the time of making the request (cashier's check or money order payable to Reno Justice Court ) and enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope. I also understand if I request a photocopy of any record it shall cost $.50 per page for the record to be photocopied and an additional $3.00 per page if the photocopies are to be certified. I further understand that this record search was based on 223name only224 and the Reno Justice Court does not guarantee that any record found concerns the individual in whom the party requesting the information is interested. I further agree to release from liability and promise to hold harmless, under any and all causes of legal action, the Reno Justice Court and any of its judges and/or employees who conduct my record search for any statement(s), omission(s) or infringement(s) upon any legal rights that may be involved in conducting this search. A reproduction of this Request for Research of Civil Records for all intents and purposes shall be considered valid as the original. DATED this day of , 20 . (SIGNATURE) (COMPANY and TITLE) (ADDRESS) (PHONE NUMBER) ============================================================================================= FOR COURT USE ONLY No Record Found Record Found Case #s and # of pages per case DEPUTY COURT CLERK DATE If you desire a photocopy/certified copy of any or all of the case dockets listed above, complete the attached form and return to Reno Justice Court along with a cashier's check or money order in the proper amount and a stamped self-addressed envelope. LastUpdated:20140401 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com