Last updated: 8/2/2006
Waiver Of Objections And Order For Calendaring Case {Form 04-Appendix A}
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NORTH CAROLI NA IN THE GENERAL CO URT OF JUSTI CE GUIL F ORD COUNTY DISTRI CT COURT DIVISION ____ CvD _________ ____________________________, ) PL AINTI FF ) VS. ) WAIVER O F OBJECTI ONS ) AND ORDER F OR ____________________________, ) CALENDA RING CASE ) DEFENDANT. ) SESSION DATE: _______________ COURTROOM: ______ DURATION:___________ The undersigned attorneys assert that we represent all of the parties in this case. We hereby waive all rights relating to Notice of Hearing and all rights relating to publication of a printed calendar and notice thereof whether allowed by statute, rules of court or otherwise. We hereby certify that we have each conferred with our clients and it is their desire that we proceed expeditiously. All of the pleadings have been filed and served and the issues are established. Each of us does further certify that we are prepared to proceed with the trial or hearing of all issues now before the Court. All witnesses have been contacted or subpoenaed and are available at the session requested. Wherefore, we request that this matter be included at the end of the calendar for the session and courtroom indicated above. This ____ day of ____________, 200___. __________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________________________ ___________________________________ Attorney(s) for Plaintiff(s) Attorney(s) for Defendant(s) ********* ****** ****** * ********* ****** ****** * ********* ****** ****** * ********* ****** **** ORDER th Pursuant to Rule 4.11 of the Civil Case Management Rules of the 18 Judicial District, it is Ordered that this case be added to the calendar of the court for the session and courtroom indicated above. The case will be heard at such time as it is scheduled for hearing at the Session Calendar Call. This ____ day of ____________, 200__ at ______ oclock __ m. ________________________________ District Court Judge Appendix A, Form 4 (Rev.02/02) 1 American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com