Notification Regarding Certain Corrections Made Ex Officio {PCT-RO-146} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

 PCT   Receiving Office 
Notification Regarding Certain Corrections Made Ex Officio {PCT-RO-146} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 5/2/2006

Notification Regarding Certain Corrections Made Ex Officio {PCT-RO-146}

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PATENT COOPERATION TREATY From the RECEIVING OFFICE To: PCT NOTIFICATION REGARDING CERTAIN CORRECTIONS MADE EX OFFICIO (PCT Administrative Instructions, Section 327) Date of mailing (day/month/year) Applicants or agents file reference REPLY DUE NONE However, see paragraph 3 below International application No. International filing date (day/month/year) Applicant 1. The applicant is hereby notified that this receiving Office has corrected formal defects in the international application ex officio, as shown on the attached copy of: the request, sheet No.: _______________________________________________________________ the description, sheet No.: _______________________________________________________________ the claims, sheet No.: _______________________________________________________________ the drawings, sheet No.: _______________________________________________________________ other (specify): 2. If the applicant agrees with these corrections, no further action is required in this regard. 3. In case of disagreement with these corrections, the applicant should promply inform this receiving Office accordingly. Name and mailing address of the receiving Office Authorized officer Facsimile No. Telephone No. Form PCT/RO/146 (July 1992; reprint January 2004)

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