Order For Reduced Fee Mediation | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Tennessee

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Order For Reduced Fee Mediation | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Tennessee

Last updated: 7/28/2006

Order For Reduced Fee Mediation

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IN THE _________ _ COURT OF _____________ _ COUNTY, TENNESSEE Plaintiff/Petitioner vs. NO. _________________Defendant/Respondent ORDER FOR REDUCED FEE MEDI ATION The Court, having determined that referral to mediation is appropriate in this case eitheron the Courts own motion or on the motion of one of the parties, it is hereby ORDERED that in accordance with Rule 31 of the Rules of the Tennessee SupremeCourt that mediation will be conducted upon the following issue(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________; and it is further ORDERED that both parties shall participate in mediation. Attorneys may participate asagreed by the parties and mediator; and it is further ORDERED that the mediator shall file a report pursuant to sections 8 and 12(j) of Rule31 with the Clerk of the _____________ Court of _______________ County, Tennessee; and itis further ORDERED that the attorneys will file an Order reflecting any agreement reached as aresult of a successful mediation within ________________ (______) hours of the mediation; andit is further ORDERED , that the fees of the mediator will be set at $50.00 per hour for in session and$40.00 per hour for out of session work by the mediator with a total fee to be charged set at nomore than $500.00; and it is further <<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 ORDERED that the Plaintiff/Petitioner shall pay $_________ per hour for in session and$_________ per hour for out of session work by the mediator and the Defendant/Respondentshall pay $_________ per hour for in session and $_________ per hour for out of session workby the mediator. The balance of the mediators fee in this case shall be paid from the DivorcingParent Education and Mediation Fund (T.C.A. 36-6-413); and it is further ORDERED that the parties and their counsel shall proceed in a good faith effort toresolve the issues in this case. The mediation shall be private and confidential. Everything saidor done in the mediation is confidential and may not be used in any subsequent judicialproceedings, except as allowed by statute. Allegations of child abuse or threats of future harmshall not be confidential. ENTERED this _________ day of _______________, 20____. ________________________________________________ Chancery or Circuit Court Judge CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEI hereby certify the foregoing has been delivered by U.S. Mail to the parties in this action or their attorney of recordas follows: ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ This __________day of _____________________, 20_____. _________________________________________________ Name and title _________________________________________________ Signature

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