Last updated: 3/30/2017
Order Setting Hearing
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IN THE CHANCERY COURT FOR THE STATE OF TENNESSEE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, DAVIDSON COUNTY __________________________________ Plaintiff(s) Vs. __________________________________ Defendant(s). Address for Service: __________________________________ __________________________________ Docket No. ________________ Method of Service*: Davidson County Sheriff Commissioner of Insurance Secretary of State Out of County Sheriff Attorney *Attach Required Fees ORDER SETTING HEARING It appearing to the Court that the ______________ has filed an application for a temporary injunction pursuant to Rule 65.02, Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure, it is accordingly ORDERED that a hearing be held upon the application for injunctive relief on the _________ day of ___________________, ______, at _____________, ______.M., before Part ______ of this court. _________________________________________ CHANCELLOR Issued this _____________ day of ___________________, ________ at ____________ o'clock _______.M. MARIA M. SALAS, Clerk and Master By ___________________________________ D.C. & M. _____________________________________________________ ATTORNEY FOR _____________ PHONE NUMBER * NOTICE * Rule 19.04 of the rules of this Court provides that hearings on applications for temporary injunctions are to be heard upon affidavits or depositions unless a request for the introduction of oral testimony is made prior to the hearing. If introduction of oral testimony is requested, all parties or counsel must be notified. Received this _______ day of ________________, _________. _________________________________________ Sheriff Deputy Sheriff RETURN ON SERVICE I hereby certify and return that on the ______ day of ____________________________, ______, I served a true copy of this order upon ___________________________________________________________ as follows: _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Sheriff Deputy Sheriff Special Officer ADA Coordinator, Maria M. Salas (862-5710) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com