Last updated: 3/11/2019
Commission For Deposition
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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TENNESSEEFOR THE THIRTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUITAT MEMPHISTo:Esq.GREETING:Trusting in your fidelity and ability to examine witnesses in a matter of controversy pending in CircuitCourt aforesaid, whereinComplainant,Defendant. We doandempower you to cause to come before youwitnessin said cause. Andbeing first duly sworn, diligently to examine oninterrogatories hereto attached, and such examination, under your hand, send, certified, unto our said Court, to beheld at the Court House in Memphis, on the first Monday in20WITNESS, JIMMY MOORE, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Memphis, , Clerk By, D.C. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE COMMISSIONER.The Caption and Certificate shall be as follows:CAPTION.IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TENNESSEEFOR THE 30th JUDICIAL CIRCUITAT MEMPHISDepositions ofwitnesses for complainant (orandday ofdefendant) in the above cause, taken before me upon notice (or interrogatories), on thein the presence of the complainant and defendant (or solicitors as the20, at fact may be).The said witness,agedbeing duly sworn, deposes as follows:CERTIFICATE.The foregoing depositions were taken before me, as stated in the caption, and reduced to writing by me,(or by the witnesses), and I certify that I am not interested in the cause, nor of kin or counsel to either of the parties, and that I sealed them up and delivered them to(or put them in the post office),without being out of my possession, or altered after they were taken.day ofGiven under my hand the20 on American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com
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