Docketing Statement (Civil Appeal) | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

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Docketing Statement (Civil Appeal) | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 5/3/2006

Docketing Statement (Civil Appeal)

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APPEALS FROM CIRCUIT COURT The form and contents of the docketing statement shall be as follows: Docket Number in the Reviewing Court Case Title (Complete) ) Appeal from County ) Circuit Number ) Trial J udge ) Date of Notice of Appeal ) Date of Judgment ) Date of Post-Judgment Motion Order DOCKETING STATEMENT (CIVIL) 1. Is this a cross-appeal, separate appeal, joining in a prior appeal, or related to another appeal which is currently pending or which has been disposed of by this court? If so, state the docket number(s) of the other appeal(s) 2. If any party is a corporation or association, identify any affiliate, subsidiary, or parent g roup: 3. Full name of appellant(s) filing this statement: Counsel on Appeal For Appellant(s) filing this statement N ame: A ddress: T elephone: F ax: Trial Counsel, if different N ame: A ddress: T elephone: 4. Counsel on Appeal For appellee(s) (if there are multiple appellees represented by different counsel, identify separately: I. Supreme Ct. Rules 199 (2/1/94) R. 312 SUPREM E COURT RUL E S American LegalNet, Inc.<<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 N ame: A ddress: T elephone: F ax: Trial counsel, if different N ame: A ddress: T elephone: Approximate Duration of Can this Appeal trial court proceedings be accelerated? to be transcribed 6. Briefly state the supreme court rule, or other law, which confers jurisdiction upon the reviewing court; the facts of the case which bring it within this rule or other law; and the date that the order being appealed was entered and any other facts which are necessary to demonstrate that the appeal is timely: 7. Nature of case: Administrative Review Domestic Relations Contract Child Custody or Estates Support Personal Injury Product Lia bility Tort Forcible Detainer Juvenile O ther 8. Briefly describe the nature of the case and the result in the trial court, and set forth any reasons for an expedited schedule: 9. State the general issues proposed to be raised (failure to include an issue in this statement will not result in the waiver of the issue on appeal): I. Supreme Ct. Rules 200 (2/1/94) APPEALS FROM CIRCUIT COURT R.313 American LegalNet, Inc.<<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 I, as attorney for the appellant, hereby certify that on ( date) I (asked/made a written request to) the clerk of the circuit court to prepare (indicate which) the record, and on I made a written request to the court ( date) reporter(s) to prepare the transcripts. D ate A ppellants Attorney In lieu of a reporters signature I have attatched the written request to the court reporter(s) to prepare the transcript(s)/ D ate A ppellants Attorney I hereby acknowledge receipt of an order for the preparation of a report of proceedings. D ate C ourt R eporter or Supervisor Adopted December 17, 1993, effective February 1, 1994. Commentary (December 17, 1993) Docketing statements are accorded a separate rule because they now apply to every type of appeal and to every party who files a notice of appeal or petitions for interlocutory review. Separate deadlines for filing the docketing statment, depending upon the type of appeal, are provided in paragraph (a). In addition to the information sought under current practice, the appellant filing the docketing statement must be specifically identified under Items 1 and 3 and must demonstrate appellate jurisdiction under Item 6. An Alternative to securing the actual signature of a court reporter is provided by permitting the attorney or party to attach the written request to the court reporter for preparation of transcripts to the docketing statement. American LegalNet, Inc.

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