Last updated: 5/14/2019
Order Allowing Free Process {4B-202}
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4B-202. Order allowing free process.[For use with Rules 1B-303 and 1B-305 NMRA]STATE OF NEW MEXICOIN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTYIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OFNo. , DECEASED.ORDER ALLOWING FREE PROCESSThe court, having read the Affidavit of Poverty and Indigency and having considered theapplication, FINDS that the applicant is entitled to free process.IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED THATThe applicant shall not pay any of the costs associated with the process of this action inthis court. The applicant shall pay any costs associated with publishing notice to creditors if theapplicant chooses to publish.Probate JudgeSubmitted by: Signature of applicant Printed nameDate Street address City, state, and ZIP code Telephone number (optional)Email address (optional)[Approved, effective September 15, 2000; as amended by Supreme Court Order No.07-8300-005, effective March 1, 2007; 4B-602 recompiled and amended as 4B-202 by SupremeCourt Order No. 18-8300-014, effective for all cases pending or filed on or after December 31,2018.] American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com